Hugh brings 50 years of experience in the legal profession to his work with Newgates. For the majority of that time he has appeared regularly as a Solicitor Advocate, representing and advising Clients in the Magistrates Courts and at Police Stations. He has been a Duty Solicitor for many years.
In addition, Hugh spent several years acting as an agent for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), prosecuting cases in those same courts. This gave him insights which are invaluable when he now appears for the defence.
For 25 years he sat as a Parking Adjudicator, hearing appeals against Local Authority parking tickets and for nearly 20 years he also sat as an Immigration Judge, deciding appeals against Home Office refusals to grant asylum or immigration status to applicants. Such judicial experience contributes to his ability to assess the right approach to be taken when addressing District Judges and Lay Magistrates on behalf of Clients.
50 Years of Experience
Duty Solicitor
Prosecution Experience
Judicial Background
SpecialiSation in Detention Cases
Client-Centric Approach
Currently he specialises in advising Clients detained in police stations and in representing them in the Magistrate’s Courts. Hugh says, “The most important lesson I have learned over my years as a lawyer is how crucial it is to spend time listening carefully to what a client has to say, in order to assess the best advice to give in the circumstances, and then also to spend time explaining that advice and the options available to them.”
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